Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Manchester New Hampshire

Spent the weekend in Manchester NH which is indeed named after Manchester in England. There were some similarities between the two cities, the main being the river, canal flowing through the middle. Not much was going on though in this New Hampshire city apart from the visit of Coldplay which is why we are here. A place even quieter was Concord, the capital of New Hampshire. It was Sunday but this little town was pretty much closed apart from a nice little bagel cafe. It was great to walk round a fairly deserted small town and take some pictures. We even noted that some of the shops closed at 2pm on Saturdays.

New Hampshire people like to live free, there were quite a few bikers out most riding around without helmets. The states slogan is 'Live free or die' me and Em could see more dying by living free. Anyway the bikes looked and sounded pretty cool. I really liked the whole look of parts of Manchester, had some small town America qualities that reminded me of some Edward Hopper paintings. Loads of businesses on Elm Street which apparently is the longest dead end street in America had LED advertising signs. It was like some LED sales man came through and managed to sell a sign to everybody. Mechanics, car dealerships, cafes, hairdressers, estate agents and a tanning salon or two. There were loads, all flashing there promotions at us.

Anyway that's enough for today, I'll add some more tomorrow. Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Great photos. How was the gig? Manage to refrain from self-harming?!

Mark & Emma Frudd said...

Jac, does Em getting the pancake sweats count.