Friday, February 02, 2007

Calm down.

Up until Wednesday I didn't really have much to write about this week, Then the shit hit the fan sort of speak. Suspicious devices were found around the city, near T stations and bridges setting off a full scale terrorist alert shutting down the city. You may have heard about it back home in England, The BBC and Guardian covered it on their websites. So you no doubt know it was all a hoax and the 'supposed' suspicious devices were no more than electronic boards featuring a character from a Cartoon Network series. All part of a 'guerrilla marketing' campaign for the show and a future movie version. The campaign also happened in about 9 other cities including New York, Philadelphia and Seattle, but only Boston fell into what I saw as total paranoia and fear from a cartoon character giving passers by the finger. Maybe I'm a little naive but if I had seen one of the alleged suspicious devices I don't think I would have thought anything of it. Apparently some of the devices had been there for up to two weeks without any cause for concern. The news stations went to work, feeding the frenzy and in my opinion spreading fear through the city while many teens and fans of the show found the whole thing hilarious. Two guys have been arrested for placing the devices and continue not to take the whole matter seriously to the annoyance of Boston's older generations. I myself couldn't believe how it was blown out of all proportion, I mean I'm no bomb squad but you just have to look at the devices. Anyway we still love you Boston even if you’re probably the most paranoid city in America, still at least we know your prepared if somebody leaves a suspicious 'Elmo' rucksack lying around.

Have a good weekend.

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