Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Momma, Momma,

Come on, come on. Come here, look at this, look at that. I want this, I want a donut. Momma, Momma, come on come on.
We want to make sure kids are sat nowhere near us. Benadryl is Emma's suggestion.

Airports are always fun, currently we are sat at gate C29 waiting for the flight to Seattle (or we were when we wrote this). A good view of the runway to our left. Two irritating kids to our right. You have to feel for the mother, she has to live with them. Our prnultimate night in Boston was spent firstly on the banks of the Charles river. Sorry to interrupt but the kids have got donuts now, looking forward to when the sugar kicks in! Anyway back to last night. After our lovely picnic, why we haven't done that before we don't know. We thought it would be rude not to have a drink at Woody's, make that three, which is a heavy night for us two. Good conversation with our friends behind the bar. Sadly watching the Yankees beating the Mets. The Red Sox won earlier so they haven't gained any ground which is good. So a good night was had and we managed to get rid of our TV. Great.

The sugar's kicking in now! Looking forward to Seattle, it's going to be a long flight. The ipods in for a heavy shift. Hope there's a good movie on or we can get absorbed in our books.

We'll get back to you later.

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