Friday, February 23, 2007


Hello again, apologies to the vegetarians for the above picture of the glorious pastrami sandwich I had the other day. Em opted for the artery clogging grilled cheese, very nice.

Anyway busy week, snow and ice are slowly melting as the temperature rises above freezing for the first time in what seems like a month or so. It's bright, it's sunny, it's lovely today. We've both been feeling a little down most of this week for various reasons but mainly because of work, not enough in my case and too much in Em's case. However into another weekend we head and a trip to New York City so we're perking up a little and plan to enjoy our last trip to NYC for some time.

Last night I attended a Graphic Artists Guild seminar on e-mail promotions and sending out newsletters which was all very interesting. However I was more excited by seeing the illustration I did for the event promo postcard. Which you can see by clicking here. They also printed the gorilla onto a 6 foot banner which was pretty cool to see. I got chatting with some other illustrators who also discussed a lack of work at the moment. So I guess it was nice to hear I'm not the only one, if a little disheartening with regards to my chosen career. Oh well.

Plans for the summer holiday are in full flow and frankly the credit cards taking a beating. We're planning to fly to Seattle for a couple of days then down to San Francisco, again for a couple of days. Then jump on the train to Monterey, for another couple of nights, then back on the train down the coast to Los Angeles. Em's found a delightfully kitsch hotel near the Sunset Strip, so she can find the old hang outs of Motley Crew and Poison in an attempt to relive her 80’s hair metal youth. From LA we had hoped to go to Joshua Tree National Park and possibly stay in the same hotel as U2 did, then onto San Diego for a night or two before moving on to the Grand Canyon, then fly back to Boston for the 4th July and home on the 5th. Which as I write sounds too much to do in a week. So sadly San Diego's been dropped, which is a shame but we want to enjoy this trip and not just move from hotel to hotel. The best and quickest way for us to visit the Grand Canyon looks like taking a trip from Las Vegas, flying over the canyon and being dropped off to have a walk round. So our updated plan is to take the bus from LA to Joshua Tree via Palm Springs, stay there for a couple of nights then fly to Vegas from Palm Springs to do the Grand Canyon, maybe play a slot machine or two in Vegas and finally fly from Vegas back to Boston. We're thinking of rounding off the whole thing by coming full circle and spend our last night in America in the hotel we spent our first. It sounds allot we know but we feel we deserve it, I especially think Em does.

You're only here once.

I need to go stir the chilli, have a good weekend.


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