Friday, July 14, 2006

Trying to enjoy the sun...

... but it's not easy for us fair haired, pale skin coloured folk. It's been humid as hell lately, pretty unbearable. Bring back the snow and freezing winter. Things are going okay this side of the pond, saw Madonna last week which was great and after 21 years of waiting Emma was well pleased. Especially when we were able to swap our tickets at the back for some near the front. Madonna doesn't want to see empty seats at the front, so we gladly obliged and help fill the gaps. Speaking of gaps we were so close we could see the gap between here front two teeth.

Work wise it's a little slow if I'm honest, Em's working nights most of the time. I've had a couple of enquiries but nothings developed yet. So I've been sending out cards and samples to some more magazines. I've also signed up to the network. Hopefully this should get my work out to a wider audience. Time will tell. Feel free to have a look and let me know what you think.

Also opened a little store at to sell some prints of my illustrations. The plan is to sell each design for a limited time of three months to keep it fresh and ticking over. Only got the one print available at the moment, but it's a little cracker even if I do say so myself. So please have a look, hope to have a couple more available soon. I guess that's my little sales pitch. Buy one, your walls will thank you for it. As will I.

That's all for now, so thanks for reading.

1 comment:

The Visitor said...

Hello to the Frudds,

I just discovered that you were the first visitors to my blog. Thanks for dropping by. Thought I'd return the favour. LOL

I must visit again leisurely.