Friday, March 16, 2007

Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening.

So we've sprung forward into Spring this week, 3 weeks ahead of the rest of the world. Last week we walked to work at 6:30 in the morning sunshine. This week it was like going back to the beginning of winter, a return to the cold and darkness. Sure it's not getting dark until 7pm now but we want our sunny mornings back. I guess in another couple of weeks they will be, which will obviously brighten our moods for the day ahead. Not to mention we should have recovered from the hour of sleep we missed at the weekend.

It's getting a little complicated for Em at the moment, it's hard to explain but she's basically having to work an extra shift a week to fulfil her contract. It's a bit of a shitter. Anyway today's a day off, a day to relax and chill and watch a film about the notoriously never found 70's serial killer of San Francisco. 'The Zodiac'. Which should be good, or so I've read. Tomorrow is of course St Patrick's Day and we've been invited out for a pint of the black stuff which will be well deserved. Not sure if we're going to take in any of the parade on Sunday yet, need to find the route. We know it's in South Boston so may learn more tomorrow and arrange to check it out.

Speaking of St Patrick's Day the home page illustration on the website has been picked up and printed in this weeks edition of Boston's Weekly Dig. Which was obviously very nice and another piece of work printed and out on the streets for the good people of Boston and for my CV.

Happy St Patrick's to all, have a good weekend.


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