Friday, March 30, 2007

May the force be with you.

Hello all,

I'll start with something many may find a little sad and not the feeling blue kind of sad. Basically one of the highlights of my week was to find an R2-D2 post box, out on the streets to mark the 30th anniversary of Star Wars. There are supposed to be about 400 across America, we've now seen 2 in Boston, the one pictured above is at the bottom of our street outside the Boston Symphony. The postal service also plan to release a set of stamps, not sure if I'm going to be sad enough to buy the set however just yet.

Wednesday night we saw Snow Patrol at the Boston University Arena which was pretty good and Em enjoyed singing along to all the songs, cause she can't do that in the apartment. Well actually she could, everybody else does. We've got a few singers on our floor including a couple of tenors who may work at the Symphony. They're pretty good too, better than the bloke who has started playing saxophone on the corner of the street, who makes the most irritating noise imaginable. Makes you wish for some crap weather to make him go home and bother somebody else.

We managed to have a bit of a tourist day today, breakfast by the Charles river followed by a walk downtown to look for some summer clothes. Had a dodgy sandwich near Faneuil Hall, well mine was okay, Em's was a little rubbery. We spent the rest of the afternoon sat at the other side of the harbour, looking back at the city, watching the ships coming in and going out again.

Boston's gone a little crazy of late, shootings, stabbing's and kids taking guns to school. Usual happenings but on a more escalated scale at present. All in the usual areas, so we're kind of used to it I guess. We know not to head that way and obviously don't plan to, unlike the Guardian Angels who've ventured up from New York to try and help stop the violence. We feel safe, like I say we know where not to go, that's one thing we do thank Roland, the O'Grady Peyton meet and greeter for. Remember him. He took us through those areas in our first week nearly making us change our minds and head straight home. Maybe he was educating us.

Have a good weekend, hopefully the dodgy sandwich won't ruin ours.


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