Monday, December 12, 2005

Illustration Friday 'Surprise'

I started off with a 'Jack in a box' idea which just wasn't working for me. Then on Saturday evening I was watching Vh1's 'Best Year Ever' which showed a clip of President George W struggling to open a door after a press conference in Japan. He pushes then pulls but he fails to open the door then stands there for a couple of seconds which seem to go on for longer. Trying to remember how he got into the press conference. One of the funniest things I've seen this year along with R Kelly's 'In The Closet' videos. So anyway this clip reminded me of how surprised I was when Bush was re-elected and gave me the idea for my illustration. Hope you like.


Amy Zaleski said...

Great concept. I like the facial expressions on these two and the American flag printed on the boxing ring. It's was surprising, but at the same time, not at all surprising that he was reelected. Sigh.....

Todd DeWolf said...

Oh geeze-well done. The refs face is priceless. I'm still trying to figure out how our Prime Minister got elected. He is out to lunch! Cheers!

valerie walsh said...

very well done, great job! love that show too.

melinda beavers said...

So great! I know I was surprised.

Anonymous said...

Nice one mate, didn't even know this was here (maybe I should pay more attention) Hope your settling well in the land of the Boondocks and MERRY CHRISTMAS.