Thursday, December 08, 2005

John Lennon

I can't remember where or what I was doing this day 25 years ago. The day John Lennon was killed, I was only 6 after all. I didn't really get into his music until my mid teens and then became slightly more obsessed through my college years. Although I would say my obsession was more for The Beatles than Lennon as an individual. Rubber Soul and Revolver are albums that will always be in my top 10. Revolver was the first to catch my attention mainly due to Klaus Voormans' artwork, then of course I listened to it. I guess I should thank my mum and dad for being fans in the first place and having these records in their collection. Now of course the songs are on my ipod and on those days when I don't know what to listen to. When I put my ipod on shuffle, and it decides to play a Beatles song, I'm happy. Their music has an ability to lift my mood and for that I will be forever grateful to John, Paul, George and Ringo.

All you need is love.


Amy Zaleski said...

Cool drawing! Yeah, I don't remember the actual day as I was a mere 9, but what I do remember was how "Double Fantasy" was everywhere that Christmas. I remember my older brother (then 17) was so happy to get the album as a gift and how much we all laughed at the Yoko Ono songs on the album.

Anonymous said...

I was working in a shop in Bradford and we were listening to Radio 1. There was a big news story because Andy Peebles (Radio1 DJ) had just been over to interview John Lennon and was returning home. It was a very poignant moment when Andy was greeted at the Arrivals lounge at Heathrow to hear that Lennon had been shot dead while Peebles was flying home. Great picture Mark - I think he would have liked it.