Friday, January 06, 2006

Alternative Top 10 of things to do with a 70 OZ box of Rice

#10 Use it as a baseball bat.

We had some family and friends visit over Christmas and for some reason a 70 OZ (4 LB 6 OZ) or 1.98 Kg box of rice was bought. We ate about 1% of the boxes contents over their 2 week visit, leaving myself and Emma with the remaining 99%. We like rice, curry and rice, rice pudding and other rice dishes. I'm not a fan of risotto though. Anyway it will probably take us all of 2006 to eat all the rice in the box which made me think of alternative uses for the box and it's contents. This is the first entry at number 10. Any suggestions feel free to leave a comment, number 9 will be posted around this time next week. Take it easy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Create a new artist's medium by putting it in the steam vent at the bottom of West Newton Street. Let it harden and then create some sculptures of Taj Mahal, Great Wall of China, Empire State Building. The ice sculptures may have gone, but these'll be around forever!