Friday, January 19, 2007

Long johns on

Yep it's frickin' freezing, well not so much today but for most of the week it's just been so cold, minus something or other all day long. Em's worked four straight days this week so we've both been up at 5:20 and walking to work with 18 layers of clothing on to try and keep warm. I even had two hats on one day. At least we didn't have the 70 mph winds that have been hitting England and other parts of Europe. No real snow fall yet, sure there will be some soon.

Started a life drawing class the other week, takes place every Friday for the next 10 weeks. I'm posting the drawings to the sketchblog, so feel free to click on the yellow pencil to the left which should take you straight there. Em's well into here yoga classes, attending at least one class a week and getting as flexible as a rubber band. Not quite to Stings standard mind.

My cold's slowly clearing, still got an irritating cough but feeling much better than a week ago. Working off the Christmas belly too due to us not eating and drinking as much, so feeling good. Need to start jogging again, Em's planning to run the Great North Run again, this will be about the 6th or 7th time if she gets in.

The New England Patriots are in the AFC Final this weekend which is like the semi-finals for the Superbowl. Em's not much of a fan but it's bringing back memories when I was a kid and watched it all the time on Channel 4. Should be a great experience if they can win on Sunday and get to the Superbowl while we're here. 'Come on Pats' as they say.

Cheerio till next week.

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