Thursday, January 11, 2007

Well Christmas and New Year already feel like months ago. I know it's January, but in many ways it feels more like March to me. Can't really explain it but the mild weather and no snow whatsoever has probably got something to do with it. It's cold today mind but dry and sunny. Maybe the cold I've had this week is an attribute to my feelings. I'm crap with a cold, suffering from the typical bloke with a cold syndrome. I just shut down, unable to sleep and sit there with tissues stuck up my nose. Luckily Em's pulling me through it.

An interesting start to the year in the apartment. It's not every day that it starts to rain in the corridor, but that's what happened a few doors down last Sunday. A burst water pipe was to blame and not somebody in the apartment above leaving a tap running or something far more sinister. We're not just talking about a trickle of water either here. It was like a cloud burst that lasted for an hour or so. It was more entertaining than watching tv anyway.

Start a figure drawing class tomorrow which should be cool, looking forward to it. Hopefully it will get the ball rolling and inspire some new work. Em's working a couple of nights this week, she bought a map of America the other day to plan our summer holiday, tour, trip. Whatever you want to call it. Seattle, Chicago and San Fransisco are top of the list of cities with the Grand Canyon, Yosemite and Joshua Tree Park other places we would like to visit before returning home. Better earn some money then. So enough from me, time for a brew, a cough drop or two and to crack on with some work.


P.S. Have a look at this. Takes a minute to load but worth the wait.

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